
Traditional japanese metalwork
This site is dedicated to the presentation and study of fine japanese metalworks - especially sword fittings (tosogu). The goal is to offer high quality images of pieces with informative descriptions in order to replace in-hand study of pieces as good as possible.
If you have questions to any of the displayed items, comments, or want further images of details, feel free to contact me below or directly via
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I am currently preparing online catalogues with detailed imagery of new acquisitions and thematic writeups on pieces. These will come a few times per year.
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New items

Ishiguro Masayoshi Fuchigashira
A strong and richly decorated fuchigashira, splendid, overflowing work as expected from Ishiguro school and in outstanding condition.
More info soon
石黒政常 , 奈良英政
An outstanding piece of the late Ishiguro school, signed by both the artist and the nanako maker.
More info here
Ishiguro Masaaki Menuki
Excellent Menuki by the great Ishiguro Master depicting his most famous motif - japanese pheasants.
More info here.